Wen-I Lin Professor
Ph.D., Department of Geography, King’s College London, UK
M.A., B.A., Department of Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University, TWN
Urban governance and related theories, Governance of mobility and bio-politics, Governance of sharing and smarting city, Creative city, creative class, culture-led regeneration, Urban regeneration and community activation, Planning theory and qualitative research
Urban Governance, Urban Regeneration, Planning Theory, The Qualitative Research of Urban Space, Communities and Sustainability, Planning Studio
Tel: +886-2-86741111 #67365
Resume and Publications
- Wen-I Lin, Justin Spinney (2021, Aug). Mobilising the dispositive: Exploring the role of dockless public bike sharing in transforming urban governance in Shanghai. Urban Studies, (58)10, pp: 2095-2116. (SSCI, 5/40, Urban Studies).本人為第一作者.
- Spinney, Justin & Lin Wen-I (2021, Jun). A vehicle for valorising the labour power of commuting: The politics of mobility fixing in Shanghai’s Dockless Public Bike Sharing Sector. Journal of Transport Geography, Volume 94: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2021.103129. (SSCI, 9/85, Geography). MOST 106-2410-H-305-060-MY2. 本人為通訊作者.
- Wen-I Lin, Shuyi Chiu (2019, Jun). The mobilisation of creative city building as a new mode of governmentality in Dihua Street neighbourhood, Taipei City. Geoforum, 106, 320-329. (SSCI, 11/77, Geography). MOST 106-2410-H-305-060-MY2. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
- Justin Spinney, Wen-I Lin (2019, May). (Mobility) Fixing the Taiwanese bicycle industry: the production and economisation of cycling culture in pursuit of accumulation. Mobilities, 14(4), 524-544. (SSCI, 23/84, Geography). MOST 106-2410-H-305-060-MY2. 本人為通訊作者.
- Justin Spinney, Wen-I Lin (2018, Mar). Are you being shared? Mobility, data and social relations in Shanghai’s Public Bike Sharing 2.0 sector. Applied Mobilities, 3(1), 66-83. MOST 106-2410-H-305-060-MY2. 本人為通訊作者.
- 林文一, 張家睿(2021年09月)。迪化街保存特區治理性的形塑、實踐及其特殊性。都市與計劃,48(3),311-346。(TSSCI,第一級)。本人為第一作者。
- 邱淑宜, 林文一(2021年06月)。邁向「和諧」文創園區的都市再生:以上海2577創意大院和1933老場房為例。都市與計劃,48(2),167-204。(TSSCI,第一級)。科技部:106-2410-H-305-055。本人為通訊作者。
- 邱淑宜, 林文一(2019年03月)。臺北市西門紅樓創意街區的真實性修補及其治理。都市與計劃,46(1), 1-31。(TSSCI,第一級)。科技部:106-2410-H-305-060-MY2。本人為通訊作者。
- Justin Spinney, Wen-I Lin. Building the Taiwanese mobilityscape: an actornetwork account of the journey from Bicycle Kingdom to Cycling Paradise. Understanding Urban Cycling: Exploring the Relationship Between Mobility, Sustainability and Capital (ISBN: 9781138543225). Oxon, UK: Routledge. Jan, 2021: 140-170.
- Justin Spinney, Wen-I Lin. Transport solution or vehicle for surveillance capitalism? A case study of Dockless Public Bike Sharing (PBSS2.0) in Shanghai. Understanding Urban Cycling: Exploring the Relationship Between Mobility, Sustainability and Capital (ISBN: 9781138543225). Oxon, UK: Routledge. Jan, 2021: 171-207.
- Justin Spinney, Wen-I Lin . Are you Being Shared? Mobility, Data and Social Relations in Shanghai’s Public Bike Sharing 2.0 Sector. Sharing Mobilities: New Perspectives for the Mobile Risk Society (ISBN: 978-1-138-59382-4). New York, USA: Routledge. Mar, 2020: 89-108.
Conference Papers
- Lin, W. I. & Chu, S. Y. (2021) ‘Grey Pastorship of Neighborhood Prevention of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Taipei’. Present at 2021 International Conference Asia-Pacific Planning Societies (國際(臺日韓越)都市計劃研討會), Tainan, Taiwan.
- Lin, Z. F. & Lin, W. I. (2021) ‘Importing the Giantized Public Bike Sharing System and the competition of mobility between PBSS 1.0 and 2.0: A case study of Youbike in Quanzhou’. Present at 2021 International Conference Asia-Pacific Planning Societies (國際(臺日韓越)都市計劃研討會), Tainan, Taiwan.
- Wang, Y. Z. & Lin, W. I. (2021) ‘E-motorcycling – a mixture of ‘new’ mobility-fix and surveillance capitalism – A case study of Taipei’s PMSS project’. Present at 2021 International Conference Asia-Pacific Planning Societies (國際(臺日韓越)都市計劃研討會), Tainan, Taiwan.
- Lin, W. I., Jiang, H. & Zhang, J. (2019) ‘Emerging the Dispositif of Regeneration in The Process of ‘Conserving’ The Historical Dihua neighbourhood’. Present at 2019 International Conference Asia-Pacific Planning Societies (國際(臺日韓越)都市計劃研討會), Seoul, Korea.
- Lin, W. I. & Spinney, J. (2019) ‘The Subjectification and Desubjectification of Urban Mobility within PBSS in Taipei: Its Visible Bio-Politics and “Invisible” Exclusion’. Present at 2019 International Conference Asia-Pacific Planning Societies ( 國際(臺日韓越)都市計劃研討會 ), Seoul, Korea.
- Chu, S. Y. & Lin, W. I. (2019) ‘Spatial Ordering, and Regime of Authentic Place in the Ximen Red House, Taipei’. Present at 2019 International Conference Asia-Pacific Planning Societies ( 國際(臺日韓越)都市計劃研討會 ) , Seoul, Korea.
- Chu, S. Y. & Lin, W. I. (2018) ‘Authentic Performance and Neighborhood Transformation: the case of Shanghai Music Valley, China’. Present at RGS-IBG ( 英國皇家地理學年會 ) Annual International Conference 2018, Cardiff, UK.
- Chu, S. Y., Lin, W. I. & Spinney, J. (2018, Aug 28-31) ‘1933 Millfun Shanghai: from slaughterhouse to creative park’. Present at RGS-IBG ( 英國皇家地理學年會 ) Annual International Conference 2018, Cardiff, UK.
- Lin, W.I & Zhang, J. R. (2018) ‘The birth of Dihua street Special Zone and its invisible properties: from regime of representation to regime of calculation?’ Present at RGS-IBG ( 英國皇家地理學年會 ) Annual International Conference 2018, Cardiff, UK.
- Lin, W. I. & Spinney, J. (2018) ‘Public Bike Sharing Systems as a bio-political technology of government: a case study of Taipei City (Taiwan)’. Present at RGS-IBG (英國皇家地理學年會) Annual International Conference 2018, Cardiff, UK.
- Spinney, J & Lin, W. I. (2017) ‘Mobility Fix 2.0: Investigating the Role of Mobile Internet Enabled Public Bike Sharing Systems in Local and Global Capital Accumulation: a Case Study of Shanghai, China’ in the UK’s Mobile Utopia Conference, Lancaster.
- Spinney, J, Lin, W. I. & Chiu S. Y. (2017) ‘Mobilising the creative nation: the role of cycling in constructing the Taiwanese designscape’ in RGS-IBG Conference (英國皇家地理學年會) Proceeding, London.
- Lin, W. I. & Chiu, S. Y. (2016) ‘Creativity-led spatial fix of brownfield lands in Shanghai.’ in AAG (美國地理學會) Annual meeting, San Francisco.
- Chiu, S. Y. & Lin, W. I. (2016) ‘The experience economy and esthetic authenticity of creative quarter in Taipei city: the case of Ximen Red House .’ in AAG (美國地理學會) Annual meeting, San Francisco.
- Lin, W. I. (2014) ‘Symbolic representation and panopticism of “community”? A case study of one Shanghai’s model Street Office.’ in RGS-IBG (英國皇家地理學年會) Conference Proceeding, London.
- Lin, W. I. & Chiu, S. Y. (2013) ‘Regenerating Taipei towards a creative city: fixing the ‘problematic’ place and community for what and for whom? ’in The right to the city Workshop, Taipei.
- Lin, W. I. (2012) ‘Building the civilized community: political agendas in the securing of Chinese urban reform’ in RGS-IBG (英國皇家地理學年會) Conference Proceeding, Edinburgh.
- Chiu, S. Y. & Lin, W. I. (2012) ‘Reversing the Role of Creative Practitioners-as a creative class’ or a decorative doll?’ in RGS-IBG (英國皇家地理學年會) Conference Proceeding, Edinburgh.
- Lin, W. I. (2011) ‘Reforming Local Democracy and Community Governance in London: the Case of Tower Hamlet Partnership’ in 2011 International Conference of Democratic Governance and Development of Public Affairs (2011民主治理與公共事務發展國際研討會).
- Imrie, R., Raco, M., & Lin, W. I. (2006) ‘Community governance, critical cosmopolitanism and urban change: observations from London and Shanghai’ in RGS-IBG(英國皇家地理學年會) Conference Proceeding, London.
- Lin, W. I. & Chiu, S. Y. (2015) 「上海文化創意產業園區的創意修補」(The Creativityled Fix of Shanghai’s Creative Industry Park) 於族群文化與文化產業發展國際學術研討會,台灣中壢。
- Lin, W. I. & Chiu, S. Y. (2012) ‘Community activation and consensus building within the post-political condition: a Taipei’s case of constructing community culture’ (後政治的社區動員與共識建構: 一個台北社區文化建構的案例), in 2012 年海峽兩岸區域科學交流研討會.
- Lin, W. I. (2011) ‘The active citizens, the educated citizens: a Taipei’s case of neighbourhood renewal’ (積極的公民,被教化的公民? 一個台北鄰里復興的案例 ), in 第三屆發展研究年會.
Research Projects
2019-2022 Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), Research Project. Project title: ‘Reviewing the construction of sharing community from the perspectives of re-configuring urban governance: the case study of governing experiment in Taipei and Shanghai’ / 108-2410- H-305 -062 -MY3, based on the National Taipei University (as the Project Director). 科技部專題研究計畫,Project title: 未來城市發展新典範探索:智慧、共享、創意、及韌性之整合-從都市治理重構的角度來檢視共享社區的建構:以台北及上海的治理實驗為例/108-2410-H-305 -062 -MY3,(任計畫主持人於台北大學執行)。
2017-2019 Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), Research Project. Project title: ‘Reviewing the Public Bike Sharing System Initiative in Taipei and Shanghai: local practices about mobility-fix and governing through mobility’/ 106-2410-H-305 -060 -MY2, based on the National Taipei University (as the Project Director). 科技部專題研究計畫,Project title: 台北及上海的公共自行車系統之檢視: 關於移動性修補及其移動治理性的在地實踐/106-2410-H-305 -060 –MY2,(任計畫主持人於 台北大學執行)。
2015-2017 Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), Research Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators. Project title: ‘Creativity Fix, Spatial Fix and Authenticity Fix? The construction and experiment of cultural creative park in regenerating industrial brownfields in Shanghai and Taipei’/104-2628-H-305 -001, based on the National Taipei University (as the Project Director). 科技部優秀年輕學者研究計畫,Project title: 創意修補、空間修補與真實性修補? – 文化創意園區在台北與上海工業棕地再生的建構與實驗/104-2628-H-305-001,(任計畫主持人於台北大學執行)。
2013-2015 National Science Council (Taiwan), Research Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators. Project title: ‘Culture and design-led regeneration, and governance of creative city: a comparative research between Taipei and Shanghai’ /102-2628-H-305-005, based on the National Taipei University (as the Project Director). 國科會優秀年輕學者研究計畫,Project title: 文化與設計導向的都市再生、與創意城市之治理:台北與上海的比較研究/102-2628-H-305-005,(任計畫主持人於台北大學執行)。
2012-2013 National Science Council (Taiwan), Research Project for Excellent Junior Research Investigators. Project title: ‘New Strategy for Urban Regeneration? A critical study of the import, translation and practice of the ‘creative city’ discourse in Taipei.’ /101-2628-H305-003, based on the National Taipei University (as the Project Director). 國科會優秀年輕學者研究計畫,Project title: 「新」的都市再生戰略:創意城市論述的引入、轉化與實踐在台北/101-2628-H-305-003,(任計畫主持人於台北大學執行)。
2011-2012 National Science Council (Taiwan), Research Project for Junior Research. Project title: ‘Sustainable Redevelopment? The entanglement of sustainability and entrepreneurialism in the process of regenerating London and Taipei’ /100-2410-H-305-076, based on the National Taipei University (as the Project Director). 國科會新進專題研究計畫,Project title: 永續的「再」發展?永續性與企業主義在都市再生中的交織,以倫敦與台北為例/100-2410-H-305-076,(任計畫主持人於台北大學執行)。
Course Outline