
誠摯邀請您出席參與「2024  永續消費與生產系統(SSCP)國際研討會」,本國際研討會為配合國際學術組織貝蒙論壇(Belmont Forum)於 2022 年提出以永續消費與生產系統(SSCP)為研究主題,建立三年期多邊國際合作研究行動之交流活動;SSCP研究主題臺灣共有三個研究團隊通過國際審核得以執行,包括國立臺北大學、國立臺灣大學以及國立臺灣海洋大學,本次會議將由前述三個團隊分別進行初步成果分享交流,並邀請國際計畫團隊成員,來自包括德國、土耳其及泰國等,共計七位國外專家學者共同參與發表,期可深化臺灣與國際專家學者間之合作與交流,進而拓展臺灣與SSCP相關研究成果之國際能見度。敬邀 鈞座撥冗蒞臨共襄盛舉。

We sincerely invite you to attend the “2024 International Conference on Systems of Sustainable Consumption and Production (SSCP)“. This international conference is held according to the international academic organization “Belmont Forum”’s Sustainable Consumption and Production Systems (SSCP) CRA in 2022. Three teams from Taiwan have been awarded the SSCP CRA projects, including National Taipei University (NTPU), National Taiwan University (NTU), and National Ocean University (NTOU). This conference will invite the above three teams to share and exchange preliminary results. It will also invite members of the international project team, including Germany, Turkey, and Thailand, as well as a total of seven foreign experts, to participate in this conference. This conference is expected to deepen the relationship between Taiwan and international experts and exchange experiences in SSCP research. We sincerely invite you to come and participate in this international conference.

TIME | 會議時間

2024年10月30日 週三 上午09:00-下午05:00 (上午08:30開始報到)

October 30 (Wed), 2024  AM 09:00- PM 05:00 (Registration from AM 08:30)

VENUE | 會議地點

會議地點: 國立臺北大學公共事務學院一樓119會議廳 (新北市三峽區大學路151號)
Conference Venue:  Conference Room 119, 1st Floor, College of Public Affairs, National Taipei University (No.151, University Rd., Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City 237303, Taiwan)
The registration is from now until October 25, 2024. Registration is free and lunch will be provided. Due to the limit on the number of participants, the reservation is subject to availability.
Those who successfully register will receive an confirming email on October 26, 2024.
聯絡人:國立臺北大學不動產與城鄉環境學系  廖雅琴  專任研究助理   (Email: jilljill95@gmail.com)
Contact:Jill (Email: jilljill95@gmail.com) Research Assistant,  Department of Real Estate and Built Environment, National Taipei University